Welcome to Irodama Chainmaille and Bead Jewelry!
(08/13/2021) - Oh, good gravy, I have not updated in what feels like ages. Between the demands of working from home during COVID-19 lockdown and then changing jobs in June, the website has kinda been neglected! So sorry to anyone that's been drifting by looking for updates, but I had to put a lot of things on hold for a while.
I'm slowly working at building stock again as I prepare for Ravencon next year in February. That'll be my first major show/convention vending since at least 2018 and it feels so odd to see that time span but so good to be getting back to things! Below is a pic of a pile of bracelets I'm working on with more to come!

Just a reminder that all of my sales are now through my Shopify storefront. Etsy was going to bleed me on fees and I felt it was no longer worthwhile to host my wares there. I am always available for commissions, just hit up my contact form on the nav bar to the left.
Thank you for coming by and taking a look!
Previous Updates
(03/17/2020) - Beware the Ides of March! Well, that or coronavirus... ANYWAY! I'm taking advantage of more time at home to work on some things that had been needing doing. Like setting up my Shopify store. Very shortly I am going to be pulling everything but my cross-stitch patterns off of Etsy. You may notice that the Etsy button is gone from the list on the side. I am no longer selling or listing my items on Etsy due to my personal issues with their fees. I hope you all will bear with me as I get used to having a separate selling space.